
While I wander through the thoughts in my mind,
My mind wanders off to find new thoughts.
Those little silly things that keep repeating.
But ever new with a twist in the perspective.
It's all how you look at it, which view you take.
How many times do you replay that same view just to change and inflection point.
Then point the camera at a different angle, looking up, then left, then sideways.
So only can you see it from the comer of your eye.  
And just then you find that perfect self reflection.
The moment it all makes sense.  
But then it never actually mirrors reality, just your version of it.
And the glimpse disappears when you turn to face it, 
for a new thought has strolled by and filled the space of perfect harmony.  
This melody of the mind keeps making mad music.


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Hi folks, I'm a software development manager. I've worked with computers most of my life. I write a poem a day about whatever strikes my fancy. I hope they make you smile.